Life on Factory Bay


Factory Bay from the hide

The new hide overlooking Factory Bay was an exciting addition to the Loch Leven Heritage Trail principally because through the summer months, large numbers of duck broods use the shoreline of the bay for cover and security.  This makes it a fantastic part of the loch to view breeding wildfowl, and this morning I was treated to some fantastic views of bird life on the loch.

Mute Swan with cygnets

Mute Swan with cygnets

The Mute Swan brood were very photogenic as they drifted by some Great-crested Grebes and Tufted Duck.  The Great-crested Grebe brood was unfortunately elusive this time, but they have been seen recently in the bay, so its definitely worth a look.

Little Grebe

Little Grebe

Juvenile Moorhen

Juvenile Moorhen

Mallard brood

Mallard brood

The spit of land at the mouth of the South Queich was also popular as ever, with Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed Gull resting on the land, while a Common Sandpiper went about its business searching for food.

Mouth of the South Queich

Mouth of the South Queich

The hide is also now home to a new family of Swallows, with the young already having fledged.  As it is open to the elements, the hide provides excellent shelter for them, and I’m sure they’ll be back year after year.

Barn Swallows

Barn Swallows

All in all, Factory Bay is where the action is at present.  Also worth looking out for Grey Heron, Buzzard and Grey Wagtail, as they were all showing well today.  Enough distractions- back to the annual report!

About Craig.Nisbet

Reserve Officer Loch Leven National Nature Reserve Scottish Natural Heritage
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1 Response to Life on Factory Bay

  1. Pingback: Young great crested grebes and honeybee | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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