The Loch Leven Team

The Loch Leven NNR team is based at the reserve office, the Pier, Kinross.  They all work closely together with a varied workload, to ensure that the reserve is managed professionally with enthusiasm and commitment.  The team consists of five members of staff:

Jeremy Squire (Nature Reserve Manager)

Originating from Gloucestershire, Jeremy is a keen naturalist with a keen interest in plants, birds and moths.  He deals with all aspects of reserve management, and oversees the team’s output to maintain a high level of wildlife and habitat management, species monitoring, visitor engagement and public relations. When not looking at wildlife Jeremy can be found on the terraces watching his beloved Bristol Rovers, trainspotting or participating in cricket matches.

Sally Reay (Nature Reserve Officer)

Sally is a keen birder and naturalist. She deals with the practical management and monitoring on the reserve throughout the year. Often outside, her main duties include; wildlife surveying, habitat management, day-to-day reserve maintenance and working with volunteers and other groups.

Julie McDonald (Seasonal Nature Reserve Officer)

Julie is a keen birder and naturalist, and is often seen trying to get that ‘perfect’ picture of a butterfly or bird whilst out on the reserve. She is part of our seasonal staff from April to October and, aside from the day-to-day reserve maintenance and species monitoring, her main role is visitor engagement. She is always happy to strike up a conversation if you see her around Loch Leven NNR!

Rosalie Bets (Seasonal Nature Reserve Officer)

Rosalie is an enthusiastic naturalist with particular interests in birds and Moths. Working alongside Julie from April to October, his main duties are based around visitor management and engagement, reserve maintenance and biological monitoring. Always keen to chat to visitors, you may well bump into her at the weekends!

You can keep up to date with the team and Loch Leven NNR via the blog, Facebook or Instagram.
Check out the wider work of NatureScot via the website or social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok) and learn more about the Scottish Outdor Access Code here.